Homemade Organic Fruit Ice Lollies

Prep: 5_freeze_overnight


Biona Tart Cherry Juice

Biona Pomegranate Juice

Biona Blueberry Pure Pressed Juice (diluted)

Handful of pitted cherries

Handful of pomegranate seeds

Handful of fresh blueberries


  1. Fill a reusable ice lolly tray by pouring in your fruit juices, not filling it to leave space for the fruit. This recipe is easily customisable but we recommend using Biona Tart Cherry, Pomegranate or Blueberry Pure Pressed Juice! 

  2. Once you have poured the juices in, place in some sliced fruits of your choice.

  3. Then place on the lolly tray lids and sticks so they are ready to go into the freezer.

  4. After waiting overnight for the lollies to freeze, simply slide the ice lollies out of the moulds and enjoy the sweet fruity taste in the sunshine!

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