• Order by 21st December for Christmas delivery or 28th December for New Year delivery. Delivery fees are £4.99 for all orders over £20! *Mainland UK only. Click for shipping info.

  • Prepare for Christmas here! Stocking fillers, recipes & more...
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Join our loyalty program for rewards!

The Biona Loyalty Scheme - a token of our appreciation for our incredible customers, where your loyalty translates into exclusive benefits, discounts, and fantastic rewards!

Why Join the Biona Loyalty Scheme?

Here at Biona, we take immense pride in honouring our valued customers. Through our loyalty scheme, your values are rewarded. You not only enjoy the benefits of our premium organic products but also champion our mission and unwavering commitment to sustainable practices, supporting our mission in packaging and production methods.

Exclusive Benefits:
You'll gain access to exclusive benefits that celebrate your loyalty, such as members-only discounts, free products and other exciting offers. Earning loyalty points is effortless - simply by making purchases, engaging with us on social media, and more, you accumulate points to redeem for rewards.


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£1 = 1 point

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25 points

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50 points

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250 points

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250 points



Pomegranate Hearts


Tote Bag

10% off non-Biona products

10% off new arrivals collection

5% off order


Date Syrup

Peanut Butter Smooth

Dark Cocoa Spread

Cashew Nut Butter

10% off order


Super Crunch Hi-Oleic Peanut Butter

Dark Roast Hi-Oleic Peanut Butter

Green Curry Coconut Milk

Sriracha Sauce


What is the Biona Loyalty Scheme?
How does the Loyalty Scheme work?
Can I earn loyalty points on all purchases?
Will my loyalty points expire?
Can I earn loyalty points in physical retail stores as well?
What happens to my loyalty points if I return a purchase?
How do I redeem my loyalty points for rewards?
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