Easy Vegan Pancakes and Peanut Butter Syrup

Serves: 4 Prep: 10_mins Cook: 20_mins


For Pancakes:

300g self-raising flour 

1 tsp baking powder

1 tbsp Biona Coconut Sugar

1 tbsp vanilla extract

Pinch of salt

400ml oat milk 

1 tbsp Biona Extra Virgin Olive Oil

For Peanut Butter Syrup:

110g Biona Light Agave Syrup 

65g Biona Smooth Peanut Butter

For serving:

1 banana, sliced


  1. In a bowl, add in the flour, baking powder, coconut sugar, vanilla extract and a pinch of salt and whisk until fully combined. 
  2. Slowly pour in the oat milk and mix until you have reached a smooth, thick consistency. 
  3. In a pan, heat a little bit of oil over a medium-low heat, add 2 tbsp batter into the pan, cook for 3-4 mins then flip the pancake and cook for another 2-3 mins until both sides are golden brown. Repeat until all batter has been used.
  4. Create the peanut butter syrup by adding agave syrup and peanut butter to a small saucepan over a low heat, stirring constantly until smooth. 
  5. Finally serve up your pancakes with a drizzle of peanut butter syrup and top with some sliced bananas for some delicious goodness.

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