Recipes for Relaxation

Recipes for Relaxation

| 28 JUN 22

Pamper, preserve and boost your wellbeing in the safety of your own home.

Stress and Wellbeing

Most of us are into our third month of this new and strange way of life, which brings with it a slower pace but many additional stresses and fears.

Unfortunately, these conditions can prove just right for our mental health and wellbeing to take a downturn. Research has long confirmed that stress can also undermine our immune systems.

That’s why it’s more important than ever to take care of ourselves and support our wellbeing however we can. The charity Mind gives a great overview here, which includes the suggestion that we make time for therapeutic activities.

Looking After You

At Biona, we’re all about nourishing the body and the mind. We’re strong proponents of self-care and want to encourage you to create opportunities for relaxation and mindfulness in the safety of your own home.

Carving out the time to make smalls gestures of love and care to yourself can powerfully boost your self-worth and wellbeing.

We’ve rounded up four of our favourite homemade recipes for relaxation for you to try at home. Relax and enjoy!

Biona Bath Bombs (Makes 4)

These transform a regular bath into a sensory indulgence and a pocket of time perfect for mindful deep breathing.

You will need:

  • 125g baking soda

  • 60g citric acid

  • 60g Epsom salt

  • 60g corn starch

  • colouring pigment - optional

  • 2 1/2 tablespoons melted Biona Organic coconut oil

  • 3/4 tablespoon water

  • 12-15 drops essential oil of your choice

  • Bath bomb moulds



  1. Mix together all of the dry ingredients. If you’re using pigment, add it now if it’s a powder form.

  2. Whisk to combine.

  3. In a separate small bowl, mix together the wet ingredients, including pigment if it’s a gel or liquid.

  4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ones very slowly (this is very important; otherwise you will activate the citric acid which is used to create the fizzing effect.)

  5. Mix until combined - the ingredients will look like wet sand.

  6. Fill each half of the mould, packing the mixture in slightly until it's overflowing. Press the halves together firmly. Let the filled mould sit for one minute.

  7. Lightly tap the mould and gently pull it apart to remove the bath bomb. Let the bath bombs dry for 24 hours before enjoying in the tub.

Cooling Cucumber Face Mist

This DIY spray is refreshing and resetting: an excellent way to bring you back to yourself when you’re feeling stressed or hot and bothered. (It’s also super soothing for sunburn!)

You will need:

  • 1 medium cucumber, peeled and roughly chopped
  • 2 teaspoons aloe vera
  • ½ teaspoon lemon juice
  • ½ cup rosewater
  • A blender
  • muslin/cheesecloth
  • spray bottle


  1. Process the cucumber chunks in the blender until smooth.

  2. Lay the cheesecloth over a clean bowl and carefully pour the cucumber fluid over it. Gather up the corners and squeeze the pulp to get as much liquid as possible out.

  3. Add the remaining ingredients, stir and transfer into spray bottle.

  4. Store in the fridge and spritz lightly on your face whenever needed.

Cinnamon Sugar Scrub

This scrub is a gloriously sweet smelling exfoliant, perfect for taking ten minutes out of your day to meditatively rub your elbows and feet smooth.

You will need:


  • Mix the dry ingredients until the cinnamon is well incorporated into the sugars
  • Mix the coconut oil and essential oil together in a jug and slowly pour over the sugar mix, stirring gently.
  • Rub half a teaspoon of scrub into dry skin in circular motions to gently slough away dead cells, then rinse away with warm water.
  • Place remaining scrub in airtight container and store.

Avococonut and Lime Hair Mask

This fresh smelling deep treatment for your hair gives you half an hour to read, meditate or just relax while it soaks into your tresses.

You will need:

  • Blend together the ingredients and put in a bowl ready for application.

  • Apply all over dry hair.

  • Allow to soak in for 30 minutes to an hour.

  • Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

    Have you got any tried and true #RecipesForRelaxation? Let us know on over Social, after all: sharing’s self-caring!


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