Biona Roots: Introducing Earth Natural Foods

Donata Berger | 28 JUN 22
Continuing our month of celebrating local independent stores; next in the line-up is North London favourite, Earth Natural Foods.

About Earth Natural Foods

Earth Natural Food’s Roots: Formerly Bumblebee Natural Foods, Earth Natural Foods has been serving Kentish Town locals since the 1980s. They’re now based on the high street, with a clientele that reflects London’s diverse population. The ENF team say they love meeting the different needs of their shoppers, whether as a reliable source of plant-based foods for their vegan customers; or a great place to pick up loose foods for those reducing plastic consumption. They love that they have such a wide range of customers – from those who have been shopping regularly at Earth Natural Foods for over 30 years to new faces visiting as each year goes by. Organic Advocates: At Earth Natural Foods, the big motivating factor is the environment. “We have always believed in the cause of trying to reduce the amount of damage we inflict on the environment, and in offering food which we know will be safe and reliable on every level”.

With these shared values, Earth Natural Food and Biona go way back. The founder remembers stocking Biona right from the release of our earliest products!

When it came to choosing a favourite Biona product, the ENF team cast yet another vote for our Organic Baked Beans. “They have made my children grow up big and strong!”.


Advice to Organic Newbies

Get researching! Educate yourself about where your food comes from and how it is produced. The best thing about organic food is that you can have peace of mind that what you are eating is guaranteed to be responsibly produced.”

Where to find them: 200-202 Kentish Town Road, London Instagram: @EarthNaturalFoods Facebook: @EarthNaturalFoods https://www.earthnaturalfoods.co.uk/

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