Serves: 2 Prep: 5_mins


300g frozen ripe mango

200ml can Biona Coconut Milk

60g Biona Homemade Coconut Yoghurt (link this recipe https://biona.co.uk/recipe/homemade-coconut-yogurt/)

1 tbsp Biona Lime Juice (plus more to taste)

1-2 tsp Biona Agave Light Amber Syrup

Lime wedges, to serve

Desiccated coconut, to serve

Biona Mango Chunks, to serve


  1. Add frozen mango, coconut milk (start with a smaller amount of coconut milk and work your way up as needed), coconut yoghurt, agave syrup and lime juice to a food processor. Blend on high until creamy and smooth, scraping down the sides as needed.
  2. Taste and adjust the flavour as needed, adding agave for sweetness, lime for acidity, coconut yoghurt for thickness and tang, or coconut milk to thin.
  3. Add a layer of coconut yoghurt to a reused Biona jar, and top with the mango lassi. Add some fresh mango chunks, desiccated coconut and a wedge of lime.

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